I Had a Smokin’ Good Time at the Museum of Burnt Food!


Tiny Muffins

Artist: Unknown – possibly Deborah Henson-Conant

These tiny muffins are actually vegan brownies. We list the author as “unknown” because, frankly I don’t remember whether I* created them or not. While some may consider a ‘misremembering’ of this magnitude to suggest some deterioration of memory, I point to it as a life-long and happy trait, since without it, the BFM would never have existed. With all humility I admit to a precocious ability in this department, though, luckily, age has magnified it.

While this exhibit may seem incongruous (“Do they really look burnt, after all?”), I submit it as a reminder that the soul of burnt-food exists within even the least-burnt-looking of life’s culinary gems.

*”I” being me, the curator & primary contributor (visual aid of ‘me’)